Thursday, May 20, 2010

new hero of the Tea Party, Paul Rand is so conservative, it is scary Dick Cheney

Meet the new hero of the Tea Party, Paul Rand - an ophthalmologist ever elected to the land of bluegrass, which is redder than red lipstick State Sarah Palin.

How conservative is it? The 47-year-old Paul - who has beaten the establishment candidate Trey Grayson, Kentucky Tuesday, GOP Senate primary - wants to abolish the federal departments of education, trade and energy, and the tax on income.

Like Palin, with whom Paul is atop the cake tea party, he is opposed to all the rescue operations of government and affects, and President Obama "socialist" legislation on health care. He favors a constitutional amendment banning abortion even in cases of rape and incest.

But in a twist libertarian, it also supports the legalization of medical marijuana.

He began the next phase of its offer renegade Senate Wednesday with a tee shot decidedly strange pointing to Tiger Woods as a model. Somehow.

The man supposedly of the people has defended its decision to hold the victory of his party Tuesday night in an exclusive country club. Enter Tiger.

"I think at some point, people thought of golf and golf clubs and golf courses as being exclusive," said Paul on "Good Morning America." [But] I think Tiger Woods helped to expand this in the sense that it is brought golf to a large number of cities and youth in the city. "

Perhaps, but given that Tiger is best known today for having sex adultery with more than a dozen mistresses, it was a special defense policy.

Not all the many Americans might find a bit strange about Paul. Some of his positions even fear ardent conservatives such as former Vice President Dick Cheney, who supported the GOP opponent of Paul.

For example, the father of three children wants to withdraw U.S. military forces from all missions abroad. Like his father - former presidential candidate and libertarian Ron Paul of Texas - believes that the Federal Reserve as a source of great difficulty to be set down.

"We face a day of consideration," said Paul warnings Tuesday evening in one of his many claims, in the end is near. "And this movement Tea Party is a message to Washington that we are unhappy, and we want things differently. "

This is something that Paul, 47, served in a monotonous crude, but all the screaming "nonpolitician" - which is precisely what so many conservatives find attractive about him.

"A candidate who is not smooth may seem more authentic, especially in this environment," said Dan Schnur GOP consultant.

Whether it's a winning general election in November - when voters will weigh much more - remains to be seen. The Democratic Party leaders do not believe, and yesterday they had all but giddy at the prospect of taking on Paul.

"It's a fight we welcome," said one party honcho.

But Kentucky is still a deeply conservative state and many experts said yesterday that Paul had a good chance of winning in November and become a star of the Tea Party in the Senate for years to come.

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